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A Guide to Sql Ninth Edition Chapter 5 Exercises

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Full Description

A GUIDE TO SQL, Ninth Edition, provides an effective introduction to SQL programming using straightforward instruction, extensive hands-on exercises, and a strong foundation in real-world business applications. The Ninth Edition builds on the longstanding success of this proven text by presenting basic SQL commands in the context of a running case, in which a business uses SQL to manage orders, items, customers, and sales reps. The authors emphasize that fundamental principles and practices apply regardless of the database environment chosen, and they include examples from the latest versions of Oracle (R) and Microsoft (R) Access (R), and SQL Server throughout the text.

Table of Contents

Preface                                            xi
Chapter 1 Introduction to TAL Distributors, 1 (20)
Colonial Adventure Tours, and Solmaris
Condominium Group
What Is a Database? 1 (1)
The TAL Distributors Database 2 (6)
The Colonial Adventure Tours Database 8 (6)
The Solmaris Condominium Group Database 14 (4)
Chapter Summary 18 (1)
Key Term 18 (1)
Exercises 18 (3)
TAL Distributors 18 (1)
Colonial Adventure Tours 19 (1)
Solmaris Condominium Group 19 (2)
Chapter 2 Database Design Fundamentals 21 (38)
Database Concepts 22 (5)
Relational Databases 22 (1)
Entities, Attributes, and Relationships 23 (4)
Functional Dependence 27 (3)
Primary Keys 30 (2)
Database Design 32 (8)
Design Method 32 (2)
Database Design Requirements 34 (1)
Database Design Process Example 34 (6)
Normalization 40 (11)
First Normal Form 40 (2)
Second Normal Form 42 (4)
Third Normal Form 46 (5)
Diagrams for Database Design 51 (3)
Chapter Summary 54 (1)
Key Terms 55 (1)
Review Questions 55 (1)
Exercises 56 (3)
TAL Distributors 56 (1)
Colonial Adventure Tours 57 (1)
Solmaris Condominium Group 58 (1)
Chapter 3 Creating Tables 59 (38)
Creating and Running SQL Commands 59 (6)
Using the Oracle Database 11g Express 60 (3)
Entering Commands 63 (2)
Creating a Table 65 (5)
Correcting Errors in SQL Commands 68 (1)
Dropping a Table 69 (1)
Using Data Types 70 (1)
Using Nulls 71 (1)
Adding Rows to a Table 72 (2)
The INSERT Command 72 (2)
Inserting a Row that Contains Nulls 74 (1)
Viewing Table Data 74 (2)
Correcting Errors in a Table 76 (2)
Saving SQL Commands 78 (3)
Creating the Remaining Database Tables 81 (5)
Describing a Table 86 (2)
Chapter Summary 88 (1)
Key Terms 88 (1)
Review Questions 88 (1)
Exercises 89 (8)
TAL Distributors 90 (1)
Colonial Adventure Tours 90 (3)
Solmaris Condominium Group 93 (4)
Chapter 4 Single-Table Queries 97 (36)
Constructing Simple Queries 97 (13)
Retrieving Certain Columns and All Rows 98 (1)
Retrieving All Columns and All Rows 99 (1)
Using a WHERE Clause 100(2)
Using Compound Conditions 102(3)
Using the BETWEEN Operator 105(1)
Using Computed Columns 106(2)
Using the LIKE Operator 108(2)
Using the IN Operator 110(1)
Sorting 110(2)
Using the ORDER BY Clause 111(1)
Additional Sorting Options 111(1)
Using Functions 112(5)
Using the COUNT Function 113(1)
Using the SUM Function 113(1)
Using the AVG, MAX, and MIN Functions 114(1)
Using the DISTINCT Operator 115(2)
Nesting Queries 117(3)
Subqueries 118(2)
Grouping 120(5)
Using the GROUP BY Clause 121(1)
Using,a HAVING Clause 122(1)
HAVING vs. WHERE 123(2)
Nulls 125(1)
Summary of SQL Clauses, Functions, and 125(2)
Chapter Summary 127(1)
Key Terms 128(1)
Review Questions 128(1)
Exercises 129(4)
TAL Distributors 129(1)
Colonial Adventure Tours 130(1)
Solmaris Condominium Group 131(2)
Chapter 5 Multiple-Table Queries 133(34)
Querying Multiple Tables 133(4)
Joining Two Tables 134(3)
Comparing Joins, IN, and EXISTS 137(13)
Using the IN Operator 138(1)
Using the EXISTS Operator 138(2)
Using a Subquery Within a Subquery 140(1)
A Comprehensive Example 141(1)
Using an Alias 142(1)
Joining a Table to Itself 143(2)
Using a Self-Join on a Primary Key Column 145(2)
Joining Several Tables 147(3)
Set Operations 150(4)
ALL and ANY 154(3)
Special Operations 157(4)
Inner Join 157(1)
Outer Join 158(1)
Product 159(2)
Chapter Summary 161(1)
Key Terms 162(1)
Review Questions 162(1)
Exercises 163(4)
TAL Distributors 163(1)
Colonial Adventure Tours 164(1)
Solmaris Condominium Group 165(2)
Chapter 6 Updating Data 167(24)
Creating a New Table from an Existing Table 167(2)
Changing Existing Data in a Table 169(2)
Adding New Rows to an Existing Table 171(2)
Autocommit, Commit, and Rollback 173(1)
Transactions 174(1)
Changing and Deleting Existing Rows 174(3)
Executing a Rollback 176(1)
Changing a Value in a Column to Null 177(2)
Changing a Table's Structure 179(6)
Making Complex Changes 185(1)
Dropping a Table 185(2)
hapter Summary 187(1)
Key Terms 187(1)
Review Questions 187(1)
Exercises 188(3)
TAL Distributors 188(1)
Colonial Adventure Tours 189(1)
Solmaris Condominium Group 190(1)
Chapter 7 Database Administration 191(36)
Creating and Using Views 191(7)
Using a View to Update Data 198(5)
Updating Row-and-Column Subset Views 199(1)
Updating Views Involving Joins 200(3)
Updating Views Involving Statistics 203(1)
Dropping a View 203(1)
Security 204(3)
Indexes 207(5)
Creating an Index 210(1)
Dropping an Index 211(1)
Creating Unique Indexes 212(1)
System Catalog 212(3)
Update of the System Catalog 214(1)
Integrity Constraints in SQL 215(4)
Chapter Summary 219(1)
Key Terms 220(1)
Review Questions 220(1)
Exercises 221(6)
TAL Distributors 221(2)
Colonial Adventure Tours 223(2)
Solmaris Condominium Group 225(2)
Chapter 8 SQL Functions and Procedures 227(40)
Using SQL in a Programming Environment 227(1)
Using Functions 228(5)
Character Functions 229(1)
Number Functions 230(1)
Working with Dates 231(2)
Concatenating Columns 233(2)
Stored Procedures 235(3)
Retrieving a Single Row and Column 235(3)
Error Handling 238(1)
Using Update Procedures 239(2)
Changing Data with a Procedure 239(1)
Deleting Data with a Procedure 240(1)
Selecting Multiple Rows with a Procedure 241(7)
Using a Cursor 242(1)
Opening a Cursor 243(1)
Fetching Rows from a Cursor 243(2)
Closing a Cursor 245(1)
Writing a Complete Procedure Using a Cursor 245(2)
Using More Complex Cursors 247(1)
Advantages of Cursors 248(1)
Using T-SQL in SQL Server 248(4)
Retrieving a Single Row and Column 249(1)
Changing Data with a Stored Procedure 249(1)
Deleting Data with a Stored Procedure 250(1)
Using a Cursor 250(1)
Using More Complex Cursors 251(1)
Using SQL in Microsoft Access 252(5)
Deleting Data with Visual Basic 252(1)
Running the Code 253(1)
Updating Data with Visual Basic 254(1)
Inserting Data with Visual Basic 255(1)
Finding Multiple Rows with Visual Basic 255(2)
Using a Trigger 257(3)
Chapter Summary 260(1)
Key Terms 261(1)
Review Questions 261(1)
Exercises 262(5)
TAL Distributors 262(2)
Colonial Adventure Tours 264(1)
Solmaris Condominium Group 265(2)
Appendix A SQL Reference 267(16)
Aliases 267(1)
Column or Expression List (SELECT Clause) 268(1)
Computed Columns 268(1)
The DISTINCT Operator 268(1)
Functions 269(1)
COMMIT 269(1)
Conditions 269(3)
Simple Conditions 269(1)
Compound Conditions 270(1)
BETWEEN Conditions 270(1)
LIKE Conditions 270(1)
IN Conditions 271(1)
EXISTS Conditions 271(1)
ALL and ANY 271(1)
Data Types 274(1)
DELETE Rows 275(1)
DROP VIEW 276(1)
GRANT 276(1)
INSERT INTO (Query) 277(1)
INSERT INTO (Values) 277(1)
Integrity 278(1)
REVOKE 279(1)
SELECT 280(1)
Subqueries 280(1)
UPDATE 282(1)
Appendix B How Do I Reference 283(4)
Appendix C Answers to Odd-Numbered Review 287(6)
Chapter 1-Introduction to TAL Distributors, 287(1)
Colonial Adventure Tours, and Solmaris
Condominium Group
Chapter 2-Database Design Fundamentals 287(2)
Chapter 3-Creating Tables 289(1)
Chapter 4-Single-Table Queries 289(1)
Chapter 5-Multiple-Table Queries 290(1)
Chapter 6-Updating Data 290(1)
Chapter 7-Database Administration 291(1)
Chapter 8-SQL Functions and Procedures 291(2)
Index 293


A Guide to Sql Ninth Edition Chapter 5 Exercises
